Monday, February 26, 2007

For now there are no words . . .

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Truth is a beautiful and painful thing.

It is liberating . . . even when you don't want to be set free.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

I was in charge of the devotions for this morning here in Jaltengo.

I lead the group I am a part of in Morning Prayers from the Celtic Daily Prayer.

I shared with them scriptures that have been heavy on my heart these days.

I talked about redemption . . . reading from Isaiah 35 . . . a scripture we meditated on in gathering back in September.

I told them that I had spent the last few years feeling lost.

That I did not really know where my life was headed after I left the path I was on towards full-time traditional ministry.

And even though I have not figured out the next ten years of my life . . . I told them that did know the bottom line of my vocation.

I told them that I wanted my life to tell the story of redemption and restoration.

That God can take what is broken and give it life again.

And that God can use what is broken to bring life to others.

I have no idea the shape my life will take in the coming weeks, months and years.

But I do know what my passion will be . . . what I will cause my life to be driven by.

Service. Redemption. Restoration. Resurrection.

Monday, February 05, 2007

I am sitting in a little internet cafe in Jalentengo, Chiapas (Mexico).

It is beautiful here.

I hear it is pretty cold back in Ohio . . . I baked in the ninety degree sun on Saturday.

I am a little sun-burned and my back hurts pretty bad . . . but I am loving it.

In the last few days I have learned how to mix cement, make cement blocks, lay blocks, put mortar between them, pour foundation and so much more.

I donĀ“t think I have ever used a shovel so much in my whole life.

But beyond the hard labor and muscle aches, I have been able to experience the beauty of Mexico.

The people are amazing . . . they put us gringos to shame in their hospitality and humility.

The land is breathtaking . . . the mountains are unbelievable.

There is so much to say and I still have an entire week here.

I am not sure if I will find my way back to this little cafe, so I might not see a computer again till Saturday.

I am really glad I took the opportunity to come on this trip . . . really, really glad.

Peace and love my dear friends.