Saturday, March 24, 2007

Life lately . . . wow has it been busy.

I am currently sitting on the Bean's couch in Indianapolis, Indiana . . . just one of my many destinations over the last few weeks.

By now, most people know that I going to Mexico for the summer.

The departure is planned for June 17th and my return home will be sometime in the last week of August.

I am currently in the process of moving out of my apartment . . . and it has been quite the process.

I should be settling into the Bowman's for the next two months sometime this week.

Between moving, some traveling on the weekends, and preparing to leave work for the summer . . . life has been busy.

I am finding myself with a great deal to process these days.

Big thoughts have been floating through my head . . . thoughts about simplifying my life . . . about spending 2.5 months in Mexico . . . about what the Spirit of God is trying to do in my life.

I suppose I will get around to elaborating more on those thoughts sometime soon.

For now, I have been trying to spend as much time as I can with these three boys . . .

. . . they are beauty and peace in my world.


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