Monday, March 26, 2007

I am writing from my new home . . . 1510 Worthington Ave.

I will be living here with Kyle & Rachel till I travel to Mexico in June.

I started the move yesterday with plans to finish up throughout the week and finally settle in sometime this weekend.

However I realized today that I was putting off moving in . . . so I could put off dealing with reality.

So I decided to "bite the bullet" and just finish moving in tonight . . . and here I am.

The reality that I was hoping to avoid as long as possible . . . it is by no means a bad reality.

It is simply a new reality . . . actually it is multiple new realities . . . new life changes.

Moving out my apartment . . . my first apartment . . . there was just so much wrapped up in that little space for me.

Even though I did not really spend all that much time there . . . it was a pivotal point in my journey . . . my year there was very defining for me.

Leaving Grandview is kind of a big deal to me too . . . I have lived in that neighborhood since I moved to Columbus over two years ago . . . the sights, the smells . . . it is so familar . . . it is home.

There is just so much there.

But life changes . . . I am sure my scenery will change quite a few more times in the years to come.

One of the biggest realities that moving cleared the way for is the fact that I am really spending the summer in Mexico.

It is funny . . . I think this last week was the first time that it really sunk in . . . when the phrase "I will be in Mexico for the summer" took on life and meaning.

It means that I will leave my life . . . my family . . . my community for two and a half months and live in Jalatengo, Mexico.

It means that I am going somewhere where I cannot help but returned changed.

I realized this week just how much I am going to miss my life . . . my people here.

But two and a half months . . . it is not forever . . . and I will return.

As always there are more thoughts to process . . . there is something weighing a little heavier on my mind tonight.

I will be sure to spend some time writing about that tomorrow . . .


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