Thursday, November 04, 2004


I know I have used that title before, but it is simply the best word for the job of describing my life lately. For so long the idea of change has been accompanied by negative feels, the dragging of feet and the occasional kicking and screaming . . . but the change I have discovered happening in my life this time around is quite different .

Instead of kicking and screaming, I have been pushing myself forward in the last few months. So much so that I have allowed myself to develop a new way of life, a new perspective. I have realized that just because something was one way for so long (so long in fact that it was the only way I knew it to be) does not mean that it is the only way it can be. And that has been one of the most "freeing" (that word just sounds so corny or super spiritual . . . but is the best word to describe what has happened) realizations of my life. It is thoughts like that and nights like tonight that make all the pushing worth it to me.

Saturday will be two months since I left NY . . . and after some reflection I can say that I feel very much settled . . . I truly feel like I am home . . . it would appear that I have found what is that I have been searching for the last two years . . . and I don't ever want to leave.

No work tomorrow . . . but I get the privilege of watching Riley & Trey tomorrow night while Eric & Kerri go the the rehearsal dinner for Mark & Amy's wedding . . . have I mentioned lately how much I love my life . . . every last insane and busy minute of it.

Till later.


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