Monday, September 27, 2004


For those who read the originial post from this date, I apologize for the change. But I decided that the down and dreary nature of the post did not really reflect the beauty of what was yesterday and what has been the last almost three weeks of my life.

To me yesterday was priceless . . . it was simple . . . but yet one of the best days I have had in a really long time.

I woke up and met Doug Wharton who I had heard a great deal about . . . and that was cool . . . except for the part when he told me to stop cleaning the microwave . . . oh well. After Doug left, I had the privilege of going to lunch at Old Bag of Nails with the Eric, Riley & Trey. Lunch was followed by a nice walk to DQ for some dessert, I must say that it was the perfect day for walking. After ice cream and a quick stop by Starbucks we headed to the park. The park just might have been my favorite part of the journey, for I am hard pressed to find something that beats the joy of racing down the slide with Riley. When our playtime at the park was through we walked home to await the return of Kerri from her trip to Pittsburgh. The boys were extremely happy to see her when she arrived.

Then came Vespers . . . I enjoyed them . . . I enjoyed the idea behind them . . . I enjoyed the company I got to share after them. The contemplative nature of the Vespers had me thinking quite a bit last night . . . which partly lead to the glib demeanor of what was previously this entry. So though mentally last night did not end on the most postive note . . . I always seem to make it to morning.

I really do always seem to make it through till morning . . . and each morning, no matter how hard the evening before has been, I still find myself willing and able to live this life another day. Being here is sometimes more hard than easy as it is turing into one my life's greatest ironies. But that will be another story for another time.

So in short, yesterday was priceless to me, the last three weeks of my life . . . well they just might fall in the category of priceless as well.



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