Monday, March 27, 2006

I really can't make much sense of words tonight . . . so I will share with you the first words Mark Palmer shared with me . . .

June 28th 2004

Although it doesn’t feel like it, you are in a very good place right now. The questioning, the searching, the doubting, the agitation; the sorrow, the hopelessness, the anger...I’ve found more often than not that those are the emotions that God meets us in. It’s been my experience that most of the the things that “good” people tell us not to feel are exactly the things that we should be feeling. The way of Jesus is so untidy and confusing sometimes. “Take my yoke upon you” doesn’t mean everything gets easy, it means that you actually have a half way decent hot at living the life of discipleship without losing your mind in the process.

Wow, this isn’t very encouraging. But I really mean it to be. You’re not alone. I was exactly where you are (still am in a lot of ways). I wish I would have asked these questions at 20 instead of at 25. You are better off for it.

I love being part of a community of people in their early 20’s who are asking these questions. I love helping them navigate this road. It’s not about “emerging this” or “postmodern that”. It’s really just about leaving everything and following Jesus, and seeing how long you last. Sorry, that was a little bit sound-biteish.

Let me know how I can help. I want to encourage you in your journey.



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