Saturday, June 18, 2005

So I am not sure if only blogging once a week makes me a "blog slacker", but here I am over a week later sitting at Stauf's, enjoying some Nantucket Nectar blogging once again. My to-do list the weekend is rather long and I am hoping the environment of Stauf's will allow me to be more productive. On my plate for the weekend is some reading (Moral Vision & NT and the People of God), I've got lunch up on Morse Road with my friend Royal, helping Fez at NW with some stuff, dinner with my friend Misty, and then who knows what. And that is just Saturday.

The week was good, busy and long. It is never a good sign to start off on Monday wishing it was Friday already, but I made it through. I even made a new friend this week, and that is always fun.

All other aspects of my life seem to be progressing well. I even found myself being social last night (if I am allowed to define social as sitting in the same spot on the same couch for two hours) at the Bell's & Blinn's new house. It was really good to simply be around those people last night. Really good.

I've been here in Columbus over nine months, but it feels like closer to an eternity.


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