Thursday, September 09, 2004


So I am here in Columbus. I got here on Tuesday morning. And despite my family's hope that I will be home in two weeks, I don't think I am going anywhere for awhile.

Here is the basic rundown of the last few days. I left NY on Monday and went to stay at my friend Christa's home in PA (which is half way between NY and Columbus). I had a really awesome time visiting and was glad for the opportunity to spend time with her and her husband. On Tuesday I left the middle of no where PA at 6:45am and drove four hours, arriving in Columbus around 11:00am. Stetler was not home(turns out he was at 64 King) , so I called Palmer, and headed over to 64 King. From which we went to lunch (Palmer, Phil, Stetler, Amy, Micah and Myself) at a wonderful Chinese place. Then they all came to Grandview to help me unpack, I think I only carried down like two boxes out of all the stuff that was jammed into my car. I spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking and then came church. Church was great, it was a cool experience, minus my first ever tasting of wine. Wednesday was a very laid back day, I played play doh and bouncy ball with Riley most of the day and that was nice. Very much needed. The day ended with dinner with the Stetler's and Palmer and Amy and some good conversation . . . . I was really glad I got to be a part of it. This morning began with morning prayers, some Politics of Jesus and my first tasting of tea.

Which brings me to now. I am sitting here in Stauf's, a cool coffee house in Grandview, trying to get some real thoughts together on everything that I have experienced in the last few days. Overall I have felt nothing but such tremendous hospitality from the people I have met. A lot of which I am not sure how to fathom or attempt to understand. There are moments when I get a little nervous about finding a job or where I go from here or figuring out what it is that I am doing here . . . but I keep coming back to this is where I know I am supposed to be . . . this is very much where I want to be. As I left Old Navy today (I filled out applications at Target and Old Navy and I have a Starbucks one at home. . . but have not felt encouraged about filling that one out) and walked to my car, I thought about how I could really do this . . . really allow myself to develop a life here.

Being here does not feel like I thought it would. And that is not good or bad. It is just different. The first day I kept thinking I was going to wake up and be back in NY in my room watching TV and getting ready for work at my uncle's office. I suppose some moments I cannot fathom how it is possible that I just picked up my life and moved to Ohio. Sometimes it is hard because I am thinking and feeling so much and yet have no idea or how to express it or to who. I have gotten a little overwhelmed, I have gotten a little scared, and I have been surprised by the amazing kindness of the people I have met.

Some people have asked me what my plans are, others have asked how long I plan on staying in Columbus and for the most part I have responded with "I don't know". But here is what I do know. I know that I am happy I am here and that the people I have met, the people that are now part of my life are absolutely amazing and I know I want to stay here as long as it is where God wants me.

So in the course of the last three months my life took on a different direction that I had ever thought possible. And this direction has brought me to Columbus, Ohio . . .

~There is more to say but my battery is about to die so it will have to wait till another time. ~

Till Later.


At 12:36 AM , Blogger blinn said...

staufs is totaly rad. maybe ill bump into you their.


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