Sunday, August 27, 2006

I am back home . . . though it would appear I just barely made it.

My car is not my biggest fan at the moment . . . so my neighborhood mechanic will be spending some quality time with my precious automobile tomorrow.

I went to Indianapolis this weekend . . . my first time ever spending more than a few hours (driving through) in the great state of Indiana.

I spent two nights and two days at lovely residence of the Bean Family.

During my time there I ate dinner at great little pub, had breakfast (yummy chocolate chip pancakes) at an awesome cafe, took a nice walk around the neighborhood, saw "Snakes On A Plane" (yes . . . I really did see that movie), watched some swimming and volleyball, took in one the most interesting "films" I ever encountered . . . "Waking Life" . . . which I will definetly need to watch again, was a welcomed guest at "Indy Church" . . . an experience and discussion I truly enjoyed, and ended out the weekend with a salad and conversation at Wild Oats.

Oh . . . I cannot forget to mention the lovely parting gifts I left Indy with and the deep gratitude I have for them . . .

First there was the memory foam thingy for my bed ( a very high tech piece of bedding that requires instructions . . . which I followed very strictly when I arrived home) . . .

Second there was a book called "Contemplative Youth Ministry" . . . which I have really enjoyed reading thus far . . .

Third was a "One" bracelet from Ms. Erin Bean . . .

Last, but certainly not least, I took home with me the memories of conversations that will be stored deeply in my heart . . . conversations that will be recalled often and used as instruments of not only encouragement, but courage.

That was an incredibly brief summary of two and a half very lovely days . . . so brief in fact, that I know I left a great deal out.

My time was filled with great conversations . . . lots of laughing and smiling (so much that my face hurts) . . . and simply being present with some really awesome people.

Be peace my friends.

Oh . . . a couple of things to remember :

1. What one does (and eats) in Indiana stays in Indiana.

2. If you are watching a movie with someone and they fall asleep on the couch . . . wake them up when the movie is over . . . because if you don't . . . you will never hear the end of it.

3. Polish men should never wear spandex . . . or at least shorts that look like spandex . . . especially when playing the great sport of volleyball.


At 10:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


i like this one...

and really that is all one should do in Indiana if your NOT visiting the beans...just drive on through.

i think you actually took it quite well. living with the beans, even two days, can be quite the challenge and experience.

you have to come back was fun.

i would quote waking life right now...but there are too many good parts its hard to narrow it down to one...

At 10:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree w/ the no spandex for polish men...
it was awesome to see you again..

come visit us again


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